ERROR: Module 'InstantSearch' has no member named 'shared'


I am trying to introduce “Getting Started with a Storyboard.” with swift.
but,I fail with the error at the Initialize InstantSearch.The cause is the following.

" Module ‘InstantSearch’ has no member named ‘shared’ "

Please tell me how to resolve.

Did the following

  1. add pod 'InstantSearch' and run pod update
  2. open AppDelegate.swift file and then add import InstantSearch at the top
  3. add inside the application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)

Xcode:Version 10.3
swift:Swift version 5.0.1

URL: Getting started programmatically | Algolia

I’m having the same problem…
I also realized that I couldn’t set ‘SearchBarWidget’ or ‘HitsTableWidget’ to the custom class of a searchbar and a tableView.
I guess it might be because of the pod file installed is different from those I got when I used instantSearch with no problem in my last project,
but I don’t know how to solve it cause I just wrote ‘pod ‘InstantSearch’’ in my ‘Podfile’ and did ‘pod install’.
What else could I have done…


Hello @fujitatata and @beatsbee2

Thank you for contacting us!

Indeed you are right, we just realised that the Getting Started with Storyboard is still showing in the docs, while it shouldn’t. This was a guide on the old version of InstantSearch (v4 and below).

To use the new version v5, please follow this getting started guide. For some more advanced code samples, you can use this repo.

Hopefully that helps you get started, and thanks a lot for reporting this!

Thanks for your quick response!
I’m gonna read the new guide.
Thank you so much!

Hello @guy.daher

Thank you for your prompt reply.
I will try again. When I implemented it by programming method this time, I didn’t know how to move after clicking. So I tried to implement it in Storyboard, and if you know a good way, I would appreciate it.

Hi guy,

this the documentation is still available. I ran into the same issue.
The only way is programmatically then?

Best regards,

Hello @kaan548,

That is correct, programmatic is the way. But it is very easy to go from programatic to storyboard in your app, as it’s only the setupUI layer that changes (and you’re free to do whatever you want with your UITableViews and the likes)

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Thanks @guy.daher . This helps!